By Leaps and Sounds
February 28, 2017What Would You Do with an Extra Day?
General Economy, Exquisite Exchange HQ presents
By Leaps and Sounds
a pre-leap day audible exchange
In celebration of Leap Day, Cream Co. presents “By Leaps and Sounds”, a pre-leap day audible exchange. We will be recording responses to the question: what would you do with an extra day and what seed might your intention look like? Each intention will become a seed that will be sown into future Intention gardens.
Be a Part of It!
Seeds from Seed Savers Exchange
available for sale or trade
Abacus Coffee Tastingbeans available for sale
Ongoing at G.E.E.E. HQ
Wood & Studio Furniture / Bob Bergman
Objects of Wonder and Pots / Cream Co.