Archive House with G.E.E.E. signage.

Archive House with G.E.E.E. signage.
Mobile multi-purpose exchange station at the first Black Cinema House (Theaster’s living room).
Dried oranges and dried pomegranates hanging around, waiting to be traded.
A few signs transformed a stairwell and foyer in the Archive House into a trading post for succulents and items exchanged by neighbors.
Items are always available for sale (at cost) or trade. All profits go back to the community that hosts Cream Co.
Mobile trading post at Theaster’s studio, 2014
Petal Pile installation for Theaster’s birthday (detail)
How it worked, Archive House garden, 2013-2014
Self-watering container workshop, 2013
Heirloom tomato garden in self-watering containers. Archive House, 2013