University of Chicago Logan Center Follow Up
July 14, 2015While at the Logan Center, we asked G.E.E.E. participants to trade their poems for 1 or 2 tomato plants until 6PM on the final day. This had not been part of the press release. One participant, Ruth, was planning on selecting several plants to be used at the community garden she runs at Mercy Hospital. She had prepared several poems, printed on nice parchment paper. Her disappointment was evident, as she had gone out of her way to participate.
She asked if could contact her to let her know if it would be worth her while to come back at 6PM. I agreed to text her.
Yes, there were many plants left, so I contacted Ruth to come back. She mobilized several alums from her master-gardener class and dozens of the final plants were dispersed to community gardens all over the city.
Last Thursday I received this text with pictures from Ruth, out of the blue:
“Beautiful tomato seedlings from you. Mercy Hospital and I thank you!!”
Ruth and Mercy Hospital and Ruth, it was our pleasure.